So bad

I’m really bad with blogging these days.
The internship is over, it’s been over for a week now. The lover and I spent four days in Stuttgart (sunday to wednesday) – wednesday evening we drove to my parent’s place seeing my mom had his car and it stopped working. So – wednesday evening – Alex and I were waiting for the wrecker to come. We waited one hour. We were happy, of course, that the weather was so lovely.
Alex drove back to Munich on thursday and I stayed at home. I had appointments at the dentist, the orthodontist, the dermatologist and the gynecologist. Lovely. Routine checkings.

I’m back in Munich now again and the lover and I went for a long nice walk today. The weather is lovely – sunshine all the way 🙂

Oh, I got my hair cut on monday – it now goes a little past my shoulders (check my flicker –> for pictures) 😀

Einfach mal… anders

Warum schreibe ich auf Deutsch? Weil ich Lust habe. Aber es versteht doch keiner? Tja mei – auf Deutsch kann ich am besten schreiben, ich brauche kein Wörterbuch und ich muss nicht lange überlegen wie ich mich ausdrücken soll/muss/kann.

Am Freitag ist mein letzter Arbeitstag. Danach heisst es zuerst einmal ausschlafen und am Sonntag fahren der Freund und ich nach Kirchheim bei Stuttgart zu seinen Eltern. Dort bleiben wir bis Mittwoch morgen. Mittwoch Nachmittag/Abend will ich noch schnell bei der Firma vorbeischauen, denn mein Chef, meine Chefin und ein Team Mitglied sind diese Woche in Berlin auf einem Meeting und das heisst ich kann mich von ihnen nicht verabschieden.

Mittwoch Abend fahre ich dann nach Hause zu meinen Eltern. Donnerstag und Freitag habe ich Arzttermine. Zahnarzt, Kieferorthopäde, Frauenarzt, Hautarzt. Spaß! Aber es muss halt sein.

Eigentlich gibt es nicht wirklich etwas interessantes zu berichten. Ich habe meine Wohnung umgestellt *ohmygosh*, gefällt mir, glaube ich, besser.

Tja das war’s auch schon. Den Eintrag hätte ich mir eigentlich sparen können, aber jetzt ist er denn nun schon geschrieben…

Good days

The birthday weekend was great and quite relaxing.

I had friday the 19th off of work, the bubby didn’t have to work either, so we slept in. I was quite a bitch in the morning, falling into depression. Well actually I first started being really bitchy when one of my friends told me she had a UTI and couldn’t come to meet me that evening.

After the lover told me to act normal – that it’s not his fault that my friend cancelled and that I’m 25, the day kept getting good.

At 7.30pm we went to a Mexican Restaurant here in Munich, I reserved a table for seven people last week already. All of my friends came too late which is something I don’t want to understand. To get rid of the frustration the bubby and I started drinking some Coladas so after a while we could just laugh about it. But then, after an hour, when all the friends arrived, it was quite funny and we stayed until about 1am drinking cocktails and beer.

On Saturday Alex and I drove out to my parents. I invited some friends from that area, my sisters and of course, the parents and we had a nice Raclette Dinner.
I got gift vouchers from “American Apparel” and “Amazon” and yesterday I already ordered a book for Uni (from Amazon) which I’ve been wanting a long time 🙂 I got neat gifts and I can use every single one of them. I knew there was a reason for celebrating this birthday 😛

Yesterday I made a cake for my dad, seeing my mom is visiting a friend in the States and I thought a cake would make my dad happy, and I made a fancy cake for my team at work called “Snow-White-Cake” (my favorite).

So, that was my weekend. I gained and I feel uncomfy. Damn.

And, as every year, this year I got myself some presents too. I bought myself a scale, ballerina shoes, 2 DVDs (Vertical Limit, Something’s gotta give). 😀



Soon I’ll be old

I’ve been sick the last two days, stayed home from work. The same consistency coming out of my mouth and out of my booty. Haven’t had that in a long time, but then I hear from people that a lot of people have that. It’s because of the freaking warm weather we’re all not used to (they say). It’s 15 degrees. One year ago it was -3. Big difference.

So, I’m turning the big “quater-year” on Friday in a week. 25 is so old! But I guess I’ll say that every year, just because I think every age past 21 seems soooo old!! I already took that day off work haha – I’m not quite sure yet if that was such a great idea because with one whole day off, I have a lot of hours to cry about how I’m going to be 26 next year already 🙁