A meme

I’ve been tagged by Lene and seeing everybody is doing it I’m going to answer it as well, and here is what I have to do:

  • List five vices you have, with a description if you want to.
  • Tag five bloggers for this meme.
  • Link back to the blogger who tagged you, and this post if you want to be nice!

1. Drinking Coffee
Drinking coffee, for me, is a vice. I love it – two spoons of sugar (which is a vice as well), some milk. I try to only drink one cup a day, which isn’t bad. I know people who’ll drink 5 – 10 cups.

2. Picking my lips
I pick my lips – all the time. If I leave the house and forget my lip-balm, that’s a terrible experience for me 😉

3. Not doing enough sports
I know I have a bad knee, I know I have to do sports to build up muscles so that I don’t have any problems at the age of 30. And I’m so lazy. The lover has to push me. We started walking last week, going again today (nordic walking).

4. Procrastination
No matter if something is important or not, I’ll procrastinate. And that’s not good

5. Stubborn and Bullheaded
Too much at times, the lover suffers from it…

iPhone: schatzi.me I’m going to tag: Bubs, Helga, Seriya, Ashley and Melissa (if they haven’t been tagged already).

Melissa got a new phone. Rather, the Apple iPhone. And she took a picture of my site :), not only of my site, but of others too – nice looking 🙂 Now I know what my site looks like on an iPhone. It looks like it’s using a 1024 x 900/1000? Resolution.

Seeing I’m plugging sites at the moment anyways, go check out CssBake.com, a site made by Ben and Rachael.

…CSSbake focuses on the little details…

Go and suggest sites (if you’re bored and don’t know what else to do) ❗

12 thoughts on “A meme”

  1. I am so guilty of picking my lips. I used to make them bleed. 🙁 (So disgusting, I’m not sure why I took your revelation to mean that I could do the same…!)

  2. Ahhh! I pick my lips too! I wish I could stop, but it’s so hard (especially when it’s winter and my lips are so dry!). And I too can bring on the blood sometimes.

    I’m also a procrastinator, but not as much as I used to me. Maybe.

    I was wondering when someone would tag me to do this. Guess I’ll go have to think of my 5 now!

  3. Hmm, the resolution. That’s one thing that can be sorta iffy with the phone because you if you turn it onto it’s side, Safari will flip over with it and you can look at it on a wider screen. That and you can zoom in easily to view certain sections.

    At least your site looks fab on it!! 😀

  4. Is it a winter thing or something like that? Cause I pick my lips too. I always carry Nivea lip balm with me, cause otherwise I get these crusts or whatever they are called. Not very nice if my lips look like falling apart!

    Nr 4 and 5 are classics though!

  5. I pick my lips, too! It usually starts with chewing on them, though 😛

    I’m not a coffee person, but I am the world’s absolute worst procrastinator. It gets me into sticky situations on a daily basis x_x

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