Bye bye mole, bye bye happiness…

Bye bye mole Nah, not really bye to happiness, but my mole is gone (yes, this IS exciting news). This mole was part of me for I don’t know how many years, I can’t remember NOT having that mole. It’s been getting a little bigger (not in size, but in “sticking out”) and it was annoying.

On Friday I went to the dermatologist and he said the only thing he can do is cut it out. I was lucky to get an appointment for my mini-op that same day. He injected the mole with anaesthesia and then stabbed around in my face 🙂

Now I’m wearing a huge band-aid (the cut is two centimeters long) and people are staring at me 😀

Current Lifestyle Phase

Well, not so current.

After I get up, I go online. I surf while drinking coffee. I go to work (where I write my thesis), work until 17:00 or 18:00, meaning, that’s about 8 hours of PC, I then come home, go online again and I’m on the computer until about midnight. And that’s my lifestyle, for months now. It’s been better in the summer, I love spending days outside, but now?

I had to organize my field trip a few weeks ago, it took about three weeks for me to organize (creating all kind of maps, getting the instruments…) and I was in stress. The Lover was the one who was allowed to experience my lovely moods. During that time I wasn’t in the mood for sports, I just didn’t have the time.

And now? I haven’t done sports in WEEKS! I haven’t had sex in WEEKS (or was it months?)!! I don’t like this lifestyle of mine at the moment, I’d love to change it, but somehow I can’t. It sucks 🙁 Boo!

I once had a phase where I came home from work and didn’t go online the whole evening, because I just wasn’t in the mood. I wish I’d be in that phase again…

Thanks for all the sweet comments on my layout 🙂 I got the flower brush from, it’s only the contour you get. I liked it so much, I started filling it. This time I wanted a totally different layout seeing the last layout was pretty much “standard” nowadays. I knew I wanted the “asides” again and so I started creating a layout around the flower. This is what I came up with 🙂 I still need to work on the subpages though (about, domain, misc).