Move completed

O hai guyz! It’s been a long time (a month?).

The move went fine and we’re slowly getting more and more furniture and hence the place more cozy. Last week we got our new dining table delivered, it’s huge and very nice. The only big thing missing is a couch for the living room and a closet for the office.

This is just an update to let you know that everything’s fine, that we like our new little place, the area is great… Beneath is a snapshot of our new table and the new bowls and sets I bought for it πŸ™‚


12 thoughts on “Move completed”

  1. Wow, eine weiter deutsche Seite!! Und die ist wunderschΓΆn!!!
    The layout is amazing, the colours are really, really pretty! And the navigation is just unique!! Wonderful site!! And the quote on the bottom!! You are really talented!!!

    Kisses, Kristin

  2. That’s a lovely photo, very artistic. πŸ™‚ Where are you buying most of your furniture? I’m such an Ikea fangirl, when I move out all my furniture is bound to be from Ikea. πŸ˜›

  3. you have room for a dining table? I can’t wait to graduate and move into a real apartment, lol :p Sounds like you’re getting settled and enjoying it πŸ™‚

  4. OMG Tracy that’s so exciting! I’m kinda jealous, actually. I would love to move in with the lover buttt *sighs* But congrats once again! Can’t wait for more pictures of your new place! =]

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