In a Family of Five

In a family of five, you always seem to have something to worry about. No, that was wrong – not something, but someone! My sibilings are in their late 30s, early 40s, my parents are in their early 70s. When a sickness or weird symptoms suddenly occur, you immediately start to worry. At least I do, my family members too.

I always think of the worst. I really do believe there’s something like carcinophobia (at least there are posts about that but no wiki article yet) and I think I’ve got it. To some extend. I don’t run to doctors right away when I feel pain somewhere but I think about cancer a lot. I’m worried about getting it although I do believe, the older we get, the more we have a chance to all get it somewhere sometime. I’m much more worried about a family member getting it, especially the parents.

I do believe that you can hardly influence if you get it or not. Sure, I try to eat healthy most days, I don’t eat burnt food with a black crust, I eat fruit and veggies daily (a lot!) BUT – I live in a city with many cars (exhaust gases I breathe), I like to sunbathe, …, I think through environmental influences nowadays you’re lucky to not get cancer.

To not worry so much and just hit the OFF button of the brain would be great sometimes. A lot of times, actually.

Let’s just hope that all the people we love will live a long and healthy life. That would be so great!