Who I am

So, I took the Visual DNA test because I found it on Helga’s Site, and this is what I chose:

I’m a Love-bug? Remember I once had still have a domain called cuddle-bug? That’s neat.

Gah, I’m doing Cartography right now. We have a attestation tomorrow and of course, I have to wait until the last minute to get things done. This will be a long night tonight again… I work best under pressure, ya know 😉
This is how the legend looks so far. –> What a mess. I dislike working with Macromedia Freehand pretty much. Wish me patience 😛

3 thoughts on “Who I am”

  1. Oh procrastination. 🙂 As bad as people say it is, I can’t help but beg to differ. You get things done so much more efficiently when pressure is placed on you. Good luck. 🙂

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