Pseudo Web2.0

I’ve created a new layout. I’ve always wanted a sort of “Web 2.0 theme thing” going on so this time I created one.

I know it’s not perfect or anything, but for now I like it and it has a lot of GREY 🙂

It’s time again

So, seeing I haven’t blogged in quite a long time (one week?), I arrived at a decision to blog again – today.

University is quite busy. Well, actually, thematical- and atlas cartography are quite time consuming. In September last year our course went on excursion to survey per GPS. There were eight groups with five students each. So, in thematical cartography we have to create a map of the region we surveyed and so my group has to meet at least once or twice a week. As mentioned before – very time consuming.

As of April first I’m an official member of the Quilting Bee. After all those years of knowing of the qbee I finally decided to join. Thank Melissa 😉
Here’s my quilt: Tracy’s quilt, so if you’d like to trade with me I’d be more than happy :).

Working on a new layout again. I’m not quite happy with this one, I actually thought I’d stick with it much longer, but oh well, taste changes.