
Not much to say acutally. Tomorrow (thursday) it’s a holiday here, meaning no class (no work).
The Lover and I are going to drive to his parents for the days. Thursday till Sunday. On Sunday we’re going to visit my parents then, because a friend of the family is visiting from the States.

I felt kind of, how do you say, “emo”? the last few days. I hope it’s because I was PMS-ing. I have thoughts I don’t want to have and they just don’t seem to go away and it’s so hard to force them to stay away.

What do you do when you feel down, when you could just cry all day, what do you do to cheer yourself up?

17 thoughts on “Eeehh…”

  1. When I’m feeling down, I smile a big fake smile and keep smiling until it makes me happy. Or I eat chocolate which usually makes me happy faster than trying to smile. Hanging out with friends or going outside to enjoy the fresh air are also some suggestions.

  2. Unfortunately, I do overload myself with work, so I wouldn’t have time for those feelings. I don’t have any therapy or anything that would help me. And quite frankly, I’ve been feeling like that lately. So, I’m pretty much lost.

    Sometimes I ask a friend over for coffee or something, so I could talk. Opening up seems to help, no matter how ridiculous my problem would be.

    I hope you enjoy your trip. Do you go skiing in Austria too, or do you only go hiking?
    Have a nice day 🙂

  3. I totally feel sorry for myself 😛 I don’t really try to make myself super happy or something, but sometimes I watch a funny show or read something funny 😛

  4. Cry and look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll look so ridiculous you won’t be able to help laughing. LOL, works on children.

    I usually curl up with a good book or movie and forget I feel blah.

  5. Theres a few things i do. Talk to someone about how I’m feeling, write how i feel on paper (poetry) or i read the letter my mom left for me. The entire letter is for encouragement so it always makes me feel better.

    I wouldn’t worry to much unless the feelings continue it might just be your period. I hope you feel better and have fun on your trip 🙂

  6. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling all that cheerful lately. I get really emotional when I’m PMSing. I think the best thing to do is to cry. It works for me. I cry and cry and get all sorry about myself and then soon it is all gone 🙂

  7. Might it also be the weather that’s causing you to feel sad? I find myself like that when it’s cold and dreary. So to cheer me up, I start planning for a sunny day, which isn’t always possible lol.

  8. I clean, and do things to better myself like fix my eyebrows or go tanning. Seems silly, but it always boosts my mood. I cannot stay mad after cleaning my apartment.

  9. You eat chocolate, lol :p
    No, I don’t really know what helps, I’m in a bad mood lately too… my bad mood comes from missing my boy and the girl I live with have her boyfriend here all the time and they’re all cuddly and in love and I feel kinda sick of it… so not interesting for you to read, but I had to get that out, lol :p

  10. I need to write everything out when I’m feeling down, otherwise I’ll go insane. Also, eating loads of sweets and chocolates and ice cream tends to help too 😛

  11. cheer up, Tracy!

    I too have been feeling down in the dumps lately, but I listen to music to somehow get rid of my blues.. or you can always eat nice sweets? 💡

  12. Hey! I found you through NaBloPoMo!
    Your weekend away sounds pretty good – that should help cheer you up! Everyone loves a break for a few days!
    When I feel down, I usually find something to read, whether it be a good book, or discovering new blogs etc. Reading helps take your mind off your own world, and gives you something else to focus on!

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