27 questions, no?

I have a headache. I get headaches regularly. I wonder – do I sit in front of the monitor too much? I guess. I can’t help it. (well, I can, but it’s just easier to blame others!)

I could clean, wash the dishes, vacuum, I prefer hanging out at Snark and other unspectacular places. I always wonder how I can stay online for so long. It’s pretty much a waste of time. I can probably list you 5 websites I’ve been to today (Let’s see, #1 Snark, of course, #2 Gmail, my email, #3 Eyeare.nu, #4 … ummm… ummmmm….. my site? #5 Jochen-Schweizer.de ), as you might be able to tell, at #4 I already was uncertain of the sites I visited. So – to sum it up, maybe 10% of the sites I visit are rememberable and the other 90% are just like “yeahsowhatelseisnew”.

When the Lover asks me “What did you do today, sweetheart?” I don’t answer “First I did some more research at the library for my Turkey speech I need to hold in two weeks, then I continued answering a few more GIS questions for the exam and at last I wrote 10 more pages on my diploma thesis. And you, Pumpkin-Pie?” No, unfortunately that’s not my answer. That’ll maybe be my answer in a few weeks, when I’m under pressure (maybe). So I answer “Well, I got up, had my coffee *yawn* … at noon I went to work, got home, ate, and now I’m surfing… why?!?!”

Are there really so many sites in the big world of the WWW to keep us innocent humans occupied and away from “The Real World Life” for so long? Eh… why bother 😉

I still have a headache. I’ll turn the PC off after this post, oh yes, I will! Must be strong!

Anyways… work is pretty busy. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is starting next week and we need to get a lot of things done (a LOT of Powerpoint Slides). My bosses are going to Bali – lucky bastards. Well actually, they are not. I wouldn’t want to trade. I want to go to the beach again *sigh*
I actually DO have quite some pressure with the Turkey speech. I’m getting a lot of info about that country from books (I prefer books – not the Internet) and my main problem is that I don’t know what to just “throw out”. The speech is only allowed to be 20-30 minutes long so argh – that’s my challenge.

Aah, tomorrow I have Qigong – where I can relax for 1,5 hours and just concentrate on myself 🙂 And on Friday I have an appointment at the eye specialist – he’ll tell me if I sit in front of the monitor too much (which, of course I do, I WORK with the monitor daily – I should have studied surveying!) and if I might need glasses. OoO (<- that's me, with glasses. The "o" in the middle is my squushy nose)

Now playing: Daft Punk – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

3 thoughts on “27 questions, no?”

  1. I try to do more “real world” things, but the Internet eats up my time, too. It just doesn’t end.

    I always have trouble deciding what information to include in an assignment involving research – there’s just so much stuff out there!

  2. I spend an obscene amount of my life online and it’s really very terrible. When you manage to break the habit can you please share your tips with me?

    (And I hate research tasks or studies. I always manipulate the quote or select parts so they say what I want them too. In the future I will be sued.)

  3. The internet world is slowly consuming my life too. Now, when my offline friends ask what I’ve done over the weekend I can’t think of anything I’ve done except Snark, blogging, reading blogs, playing with Photoshop and CSS.

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