3 weeks – rofl

Lucky me that I have internet, I could look up what rofl means on Stupidedia.org :). I always forget weird internet-talk-expressions.

As noted on my last post, study time has started.

I felt creative, see? Click the images to see my flickr notes 🙂


My problem isn’t only how to get that study material into my head (in three weeks that is), but how to get the material into my backpack and into the library – and home again at night. The “Mediengestaltung” book almost weighs as much as I do! (almost)

Another problem is my hair. Ok, no, that’s not a problem, but, it’s hair. And hair at times is just UGH. What should I do with it? I got very “strong” (very much) layers the last time I got it cut, also in the front, and I don’t like it. The back of my hair (see pictures) I actually like, but the front – it looks like I’d have short hair but uh oh – it’s long in the back.


I’m thinking of getting it cut until my shoulders?

… I don’t know how to end this post.

(I just read this post, it’s horrible. Sorry for posting so random. I’ll try to improve)

Now playing: Sheryl Crow – The Difficult Kind

8 thoughts on “3 weeks – rofl”

  1. lol tracy you’re so cute. a book weighing as much as you?? teehee!

    have you tried having a bob before? it’s popular here in the US, i don’t know about germany. if you’ve seen rihanna’s haircut, that’s what im talking about. with your layers (just shorter maybe), it would look good on you. or just keep the layers and have it trimmed to frame your face?? =]

  2. *steals some yoghurt marshmallows* Good luck wih your exams. I’m extra glad I finished 😛

    I like your hair as it was on the left… but then I don’t like volume much, as I have too much of it myself 🙄

  3. Wow, it definitely looks like you have some major studying you need to do! I love the highlighters though. I love to color code notes and things. 😀

    As for your hair, I can’t give you any good suggestions because my hair is also in need of some major work, and I have no idea what to do to mine either. I’m afraid I won’t like whatever I decide to do! ❗

  4. MKAE, SO THOSE PHOTOS OF YOUR HAIR? Those are awesomely done mirror shots. ❓

    I like your hair, from what you showed us. How bouts a picture of the how the front looks, huh? 😛 I’m used to having botched up layers where the front looks stupid cos it’s short or blunt. What I do is pull it away from my hair until it grows out. I suggest pretty clips and barettes 😛

    And you need a bag stroller to lug your stuff around, heh.

  5. i don’t know, it’s hard to say… how does it look from the front? maybe the layers need to be a little longer instead of cutting it short?! (okay i’m a sucker for long hair so…)

  6. I think your best bet to lug all of your books and stuff around is to simply pile the books on top of your head and balance them and put the rest of your stuff in your back pack! ha ha it could work??

    You could always get your layers in the back cut to match up more to the ones in the front.

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