7 thoughts on “Don’t quit because your site sucks!”

  1. I agree with the article~ I have made some pretty awesome friends through my blog. And the good definitely outweigh the bad..

    You can’t have a rainbow if you don’t put up with the rain~ ^^

    Oh and your new emoticons are adorable! 🙂

  2. I used to close my blogs without giving it a thought, now I would seriously have a think before doing so. I have over a year’s worth of archives and I have grown attached to my site. 🙂

  3. I agree!

    Like Sarah, I’ve had many blogs and closed them on the blink of an eye. I really regret doing so, and I wish I had kept my archives and stuff. But I really like blogging these days, and thinking about the good aspects of having a blog keeps me motivated. Well, maybe not motivated enough to update frequently (lol), but enough to keep it going. 😀

  4. I don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to shut down infektia.net. I’ve learned to just leave it alone until I feel like it again. Thank god. I would so regret closing it or selling it.

  5. I gave up blogging once, about two years back because I thought there was practically no visitor to my site. I know I shouldn’t blog for the sake of having audience but sometimes it gets pretty discouraging to ask a question and gets no response. But now I have learned to write more for myself and treat my blog as an outlet of my opinion rather than just writing purely for my readers…of course my visitors’ comments are still valuable to me 🙂

  6. Hmm, I think the main thing that made me want to shut down my blog happened in May, when I got, and I kid you not, harassed BY A FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN CULT!! :/

    It’s funny now, but it certainly wasn’t funny at the time!

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