Passed them ALL

I’ve passes all my exams and I’m quite happy. I’ve passed with:

  • Atlascartography: 1,0
  • Remote Sensing: 1,3
  • Thematic Cartography: 1,7
  • Internet Cartography: 2,0
  • Databases/SQL: 2,3
  • Photogrammetry: 4,0 (OUCH)

1,0 = bestest | 4,0 = well, your exam was pretty much crap but ok, you’ll pass

BUT – I’m happy I passed Photogrammetry – it was the most to study, the most complicated subject, plus – the prof really made a stupid exam 😉 SOooo hard. Everybody thought so hehe.

The last week I made vacation at my parents :). The lover and I drove to them on Thursday, he stayed until sunday, drove back to munich, and I stayed until yesterday (thursday). The last few days weren’t really vacation though because I had the great idea to install XP new (my mom’s PC is 5 years old and never got that done, meaning there was quite some junk on that PC). Well – I’m not really a genius with PC hardware and networks but I tried to get AOL set up again… and …. the internet was sooooo slow. A friend tried to help me (over google talk) but we didn’t get it running. I was so frustrated in the end plus my mom drove me nuts then too, so we called a computer man.
The only thing he did was: Start the modem new!! Then I was even more frustrated. I spent hours with stupid AOL (I hate aol btw) and all he does… is that. I would have never thought about that. Ah computers!!

Everything is ok now, I’m happy, my mom is happy, we are all happy!!

7 thoughts on “Passed them ALL”

  1. Congrats on passing all of your exams, but I don’t even know how to PRONOUNCE those subjects lol. They seem even harder because of that ;X Anyways, that sucks about your moms computer. Seriously, I would have tried to avoid calling the computer guy at all costs. They are kind of annoying especially for that reason. Basically try to remember that when you install a new os or format your computer, you have to also re install all the drivers for any hardware. So next time you know ;P I hate aol too. It’s a resource hogging piece of crap!

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