Team Work without the Team

It’s pretty frustrating.
It’s pretty frustrating when you account for something with team-members and then two of them cancel. When you agree on a date, isn’t it just the most normal thing to attend that appointment? They cancelled for stupid reasons as well.
It’s frustrating because I plan on meeting them and so I plan on no other plans because I plan on meeting with them. Get it?

I just got a new dvd-set today – Friends Series 6 – yay! 🙂 Now I only need Series 1,2,3,4 and 5 and then I’m set. That’s the good thing of not being rich! A Paris Hilton could buy all ten boxes at once – nothing to look forward to. I however can afford a box like that (also if they’re not expensive) every few months, and then I’m so looking forward to ordering it from Amazon 😀

What are you regularly looking forward to?

Turkey Break

It’s 12:45pm now. I’ve been sitting on my presentation about “Turkey” (the country – also if you might know, but people (English speaking) tend to give me cook-books) since 8:30am. Hm, that’s only four hours, but I have to take a break. My key aspects are

  • History
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Scenery
  • Settlement Geography (Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya)

Now, the presentation is only allowed to be 20-30 minutes (preferable 20 minutes). For four hours I’ve been writing about the Religion (which I find most interesting). I skipped the History, I until now have no clue how to shorten history which started about 13.000 years ago. Well, that’s not true, I have a clue, I might start with 1923 (Atatürk) or even with WWI, depending on how much info that is. (it is a lot).

I also skipped the Politics. I realized – I’m sorry for saying this – I am not interested in the Politics of Turkey. I’m not even sure if I’m interested in the German politics 😉 (I am, of course, but it’s quite frustrating at times). I’m very much interested in the US politics though (not going to express my opinion on it).

The Religion, the Islam, is very interesting, that’s the main reason I chose to give a lecture on Turkey.
I need a break from that now though, too much “only one god” (I watched a few videos about the believes in a row, so that’s why), so now I’m blogging.

Here’s a shot of my powerpoint presentation. Very plain, but the plainer – the better (just like with Websites :D)


Are you interested in other countries and/or their religion or not really?
Now playing: Peter Bjorn And John – Detects On My Affection

Boys vs. Men

I joined the german Facebook about one week ago. It sucks. It sucks even more when you think that the guy who “copied” facebook got so damn much money for the German Facebook, named “StudiVZ”. (Adastra wrote a good Article, it’s in German) Actually I wanted to boycott StudiVZ, but then, about that written one week ago, I joined.

Of course, the first thing I did, is search for a whole bunch of people I know from somewhere.
I found this guy, let’s name him Bob. Bob and I used to “hang out” when we were kids. By “hang out” I mean, our parents were friends, so when they used to meet, we used to meet. I always thought he was so cute and I always had a crush on him and if my dad and his dad wouldn’t have been cousins and maybe somewhere in us we had the same blood, then I would have seduced him (or at least dreamt of seducing him). When I had those “my-vagina-feels-tickly” feelings I wasn’t a kid anymore, I was a young teen (and so was he).
Anyways, I found Bob, and Bob looks… bleh! In some pictures he still has a slight touch of his childhood face (without wanting to sound all pedophilia-ish now) which is still very cute.

It’s a bummer when you look for this guy you thought was hot shit years ago and then you find out how he looks today and it’s all disappointing. But that doesn’t only happen with guys, of course.
Continue reading Boys vs. Men


Today I joined NaBloPoMo, the “National Blog Posting Month”. I’m not blogging regularly at the moment and I want to see if I can manage to blog every day (it will be hard, oh yes, it will be hard). Especially because I won’t know what to write about.
Work? The Lover? University? Munich? The Weather? My Thesis? Websites/Webdesign? What did Tracy do today?
Is there anything you’d be interested in reading?

Thanks for all the helpful tips on my last post, I try to follow them.

Now playing: Peter Bjorn And John – Young Folks


Not much to say acutally. Tomorrow (thursday) it’s a holiday here, meaning no class (no work).
The Lover and I are going to drive to his parents for the days. Thursday till Sunday. On Sunday we’re going to visit my parents then, because a friend of the family is visiting from the States.

I felt kind of, how do you say, “emo”? the last few days. I hope it’s because I was PMS-ing. I have thoughts I don’t want to have and they just don’t seem to go away and it’s so hard to force them to stay away.

What do you do when you feel down, when you could just cry all day, what do you do to cheer yourself up?