Grades Day – or Valentine’s?

We got our grades of the exams we wrote two weeks ago today. On February 14h at midnight, so Wednesday night. I’ve learned my lesson the last few semesters not to stay up and wait to go online and check my results. 15.000 other students may also wait to get online to check and the server will not load. Until maybe 2am then.

So, I went to bed, got up this morning and checked. Here are my results which I will explain below:

  • GIS-Cartography: 1,3
  • Remote-Sensing Cartography: 2,0
  • GIS: 2,3
  • Print-Media II: 2,0
  • Geography II: 1,7
  • Quality-Management: 1,7

Best Grade in general = 1,0, if you flunk you get a 5,0 so 4,0 is the worst grade you can get. It goes 1,0 – 1,3 – 1,7 – 2,0 – 2,3 … until 4,0. 1 = Very Good, 2 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 4 = Adequate.

So I did best in GIS-Cartography and worst in GIS. I feel ok about my grades. I thought I did worse in Geography but I also thought I did better in Remote-Sensing Cartography.

Next semester I’ll be writing my last exam (subject: business start-up) and then the studies are over. Kinda sad, but kinda nice though too.

On Monday, Feb 18th I’ll be starting my 42+ week on writing my thesis ((The analysis of TerraSAR-X Data compared to optical data based on the classes coniferous-, deciduous- and mixed forest)) *sigh*. I’m not really in the mood, I’m enjoying my free time at the moment. I really hope that the Remote-Sensing company ((where I’m writing my thesis)) will take me over, but allthough working with Satellites and Satellite-Images is a little dream job of mine, I think I’d be more happy in the Webdesign/Graphical Industry.

So, my next blog posts will probably contain my rants about how much I hate Satellites and how my thesis is pissing me off 😛

7 thoughts on “Grades Day – or Valentine’s?”

  1. Congratulations for your notes. Those are very good.
    I am myself feeling very troubled cause I can’t manage to start working on my research papers, much less doing the reading. Help me, help me please! :p

    Your degree seems so interesting. What can you work with when you’re completely finished?

  2. *high five!* Congratulations on your awesome results! We both seem to be going through a similar phase in education right now – I just got some results back and now have to start my dissertation. Bum! At least once we’re back into the swing of doing work it’ll get easier 🙂

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