Back from Croatia

It was great. We had a week full of sunshine, full of relaxation, full of hot weather, full of long days at the beach and in the ocean, full of very yummy food and full of happiness. I have made a BUNCH of photos and here are a few.

Lovely StairsFlip Flops on the BeachBaska, Krk
Baska 005The Ocean

Visit my Croatia June 2009 Set on Flickr if you’re interested in more, because, you know, a picture paints a thousand words. I might write an article about Baska, Krk later tonight.

Favorite Etsy Shops

I like browsing, so I thought I’ll post some of my favorite shops.

etsy1 etsy2 etsy3 etsy4 etsy5 etsy6

Cute stuff makes my heart beat. I love purchasing purses and pouches on Etsy because they’re just plain unique. Nobody else has them. They look great. I also like cute things for the desk and wall and of course everything to do with maps 😉 Enjoy!

What are your favorite Etsy shops? Post the link and share!

It’s June Already

Time seems to somehow fly! It’s nice though, in two weeks I’ll be in Croatia enjoying my vacation. I can’t wait! It’s been so long since I’ve been on a beach last. I think it was six years ago – in Croatia.

If you look on my Archives Page, you’ll see that since I’ve started my job in February 09 I hardly blog anymore. Maybe twice or three times a month (including the mini-posts). I’m really not in the mood to do anything on my site at the moment. On the weekends I’d rather do something else than sit in front of the PC. I’m really sick of this layout though. Too lazy and un-creative to create a new one… Let’s see, maybe sometime in the future my passion will be back.

My cousin (with a friend) from the States has visited from Wednesday to Saturday. I was so exhausted yesterday (Sunday) that I did nothing. It was her first time in Munich (Europe generally) so I showed them nice and interesting places of Munich, we ate a lot of sausage, Sauerkraut, Leberkäse and Fleischpflanzerl and drank a lot of Radler. Typical Bavarian food you get when you visit me 😉

Just wanted to drop by my site again and leave a short message. Hope you all have a great week! Thanks for still reading my posts and commenting, even though I don’t visit your site as often at the moment..

Random Facts

I copied this from Katy, and she copied it from some place as well ;). I enjoyed reading it, so I’ll do the same.

  1. What is your current obsession?
    Eating healthy, lenses, going hiking, tanning, working out. Those are things I’m fixated on at the moment.
  2. What is your weirdest obsession?
    Coding? 😉
  3. What are you wearing today?
    Mainly a bikini. Right now though I’m wearing shorts and my nike shirt because I’m going jogging soon.
  4. What’s your favorite comfort food?
    I really don’t know but what I know that it’s nothing healthy.
  5. What would you like to learn to do?
  6. What’s the last thing you bought?
    Food and champagne. A friend was here last night so we drank.
  7. What are you listening to right now?
    Ceasars – Good & Gone (know the song “jerk it out”? – that’s the band – good stuff)
  8. What is your favorite kind of weather?
    Warm/Hot and sunny! Just like right now (why am I on my PC anyway??)
  9. What is your most challenging goal right now?
    Losing 2-3 kg of weight.
  10. If you could have three houses totally paid for and fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    New York City, Munich and… Sarasota, Florida.
  11. What would you like to have in your hands at right now?
    Just what I’m holding – a fork for my yummy dinner.
  12. If you could swap lives with anyone for one day who would it be and why?
    Any man really. Why? Out of the reasons most girls want to be a man for one day 😉
  13. If you would go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
    Austria – into the alps.
  14. Which language do you wanna learn?
  15. What do you look for in a friend?
    Humor and trustfulness.
  16. Who do you want to meet in person?
    Hard to say. I’d like to meet Freud and Rachmaninoff but they’re dead (so, maybe I will meet them one day??). Who would I like to meet… can’t think of anybody currently.
  17. What’s your favorite type of music?
    Punk Rock, Electronica. And “The Shins” etc, no idea what kind of genre that is. Do you know? Tell me!
  18. Any favorite blogger?
    Not really. I like many – but no favorite.
  19. Things you wish you could change in the past?
    Nada. (Well, at Snark I posted that I wish I wouldn’t have gotten that belly piercing, but the scars there really don’t bother me oh that much)
  20. Fashion Pet Peeve?
    Leggings and Mini Skirt (worn together). Ed Hardy clothes (REALLY nothing special and WAY overpriced).
  21. Do you admire anyone’s stye?
    Which style? Clothes? I’d say I like a lot of styles but not admire any.
  22. Describe your personal style?
    #1) Jeans, white T-shirt, flats. #2) Jeans, boots, sport-wear that keeps your top bodie warm. #3) Shorts, flip flops, one-colors t-shirts. #4) Girly and sexy skirts, either t-shirt or tighter top with flip flops or flats. I like to show a little more skin at time and plus my body will tan on more places 🙂
  23. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
    chocolate, stracciatella, yoghurt-some fruit, pistachio.
  24. What’s your favorite makeup brand?
  25. Do you get enough beauty sleep? Yes or no? why?
    Most of the times, because I’m so dead tired after work at 22:00 that I go to bed.
  26. Why did you start your blog?
    Because I love to play with photoshop and change over that design into a layout.

Long week

This week has been long! I’ve been working over hours to get in, well, some extra hours.

The big project I’ve been working on (with my colleague) (at work) is finally completed and my company’s website is online with a whole new look. We’ve used Drupal as a CMS and I still don’t get the hang of it. Oh well, luckily my colleague is more of a coder than I am – I mainly do the design. If you’re nosy and want to see the site (and then know which company I work for) – email me. Either I’ll answer or not ;).

I need a new layout. I’m finally getting sick of this one. And I’m only on my site on the weekend (like today). Since I’ve started working my 40+ hours and living with the Lover I’m really not in the mood for the Internet at night. It’s kind of a shame, but on the other side I’m also happy I’m not hanging online until dawn.

So, the Lover’s gone and I have time (maybe) to work on a new layout. I want a plain one this time, but actually I want a plain one every time… we’ll see.