Baby Bump

Getting induced at 40+9 or 40+6, +7, +8

The conflict with my brain:

For me, my earliest “might be” due-date was Monday, March 23rd 2015 (with a 27 day cycle and the first day of my last period being June 17th 2014) and for me, my real due-date was somewhere between Tuesday and Thursday, March 24th to 26st (with a 28 day cycle and the first day of my last period being June 19th 2014), that’s where the 40+6, +7, +8 comes from.

The early ultrasound in my 11th week spit out March 23rd as my due-date (that’s where the 40+9 comes from), my “might be” earliest due-date.

One thing I have very much learned in this pregnancy is:
next time I will give my OB the LP (last period) date, of which I know it was the first day, and not be influenced by what the doctor’s assistance tells me when my first day was. Especially because I’m such an organisation-nerd and keep an exact account of my period, I know my body and I know best.

I made the mistake of saying June 15th 2014 was my LP and my cycle is the average of 27 (There have been months where I’ve had a 30-day cycle). That gives us a calculated due-date of March 21st. And that calculated due-date now hunted me down, now that the induction talk comes up. Because, a doctor is always on the safe side and will want to induce at 40+7, latest at 40+10. And the only thing the doctor can rely on is that calculated due-date which was figured out 40 weeks ago. Unless the OB changed the date to what the early ultrasound figured out (which mine didn’t do because she said plus/minus a few days doesn’t matter). Well, it does matter if it comes to the induction talk.

Anyway, at first I thought it’s ok to get induced at ultrasound due-date +7 but the whole weekend before I didn’t feel comfortable at getting induced on March 30th. My inner conflict with my brain. Also because my mom carried most of her kids longer than 40 weeks (she got induced with my oldest sister at 40+10) and maybe we just carry a bit longer (who knows). My midwife came by on Sunday and we talked a long time and it made me feel a lot better.

So on March 30th my bubby and I drove to the hospital early in the morning and I told the doctor and midwives that I’d only like to get induced if it’s medically necessary (which, medically speaking, nothing was wrong this whole time). They checked me, checked the baby, called my attending OB who was on the way to the hospital already. All was good, enough amniotic fluid, the placenta still looks really good, the heartbeat on the CTG was good, the baby is moving lots, I feel good and have no symptoms like high blood pressure or water in my body.
So the only reason why they would have induced is because I was one week overtime and I asked if we could postpone it a few days. My attending OB wouldn’t let me go too long which I’m fine with, I don’t mind getting induced and I’m not a woman who absolutely wants that everything goes natural. The safety for my baby still is the most important.

My attending OB talked to me about the risks again but said everything looks very good, so he’ll give me two days, which is tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1st 2015. I felt a lot better and I just felt like I need to listen to my instinct and body and baby. Of course it can be that I’m getting induced tomorrow, it will take 30+ hours and I need a c-section but then I won’t have a crisis of conscience thinking “did my baby still need some time in my belly”. I hope. Who knows, maybe I’ll have a crisis thinking “should I have induced on Monday?!”.

I am happy I waited though and I’m totally ready for tomorrow (I’m nervous, that’s clear). I only slept four hours from Sunday to Monday (due to the time change here I really wasn’t tired) and hope (ha, we’ll see) that I can sleep better tonight because I’m ready and I want to get induced.

Fact is, going over your due date kind of sucks (when you don’t really know when your real due date is). You (well, I) worry about inducing too early, you worry about inducing too late, you just want to do everything right for your baby.

One thought on “Getting induced at 40+9 or 40+6, +7, +8”

  1. I hope the pregnancy inducing goes well for you. I’m crossing my fingers for no complications! Your next blog post better have a photo of you with your new baby! ^^

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