His favorite spot to sleep in his cousin Emmy's clothes

Quinn 3 weeks old

Quinns weight: 3820 g on Monday (gained 600 g since birth)
My weight: 53,8 kg (-0,5 kg from last week)
Lochia: Still there, not a lot though.
Belly: still present, giving my uterus a daily massage
Old clothes: Don’t fit at all. My pants – no chance!

His favorite spot to sleep in his cousin Emmy's clothes
His favorite spot to sleep in his cousin Emmy’s clothes

Things going on:

  • The umbilical cord fell of on Monday, April 20th
  • He sleeps in our bed
  • When he dreams, he mostly screams or cries for two seconds, but sometimes he laughs out loud which is the cutest thing
  • He’s got a sore butt 🙁
  • He doesn’t like a pacifier
  • He loves going for walks and always sleeps
  • He got Baby acne on his cheeks. One is worse than the other

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