This evil thing named “fruit”

Ok, so this is a “What the Fudge?!” rant.

Why is it sooo weird (or I don’t know what) for some people I work with if I eat fruit (or like to eat fruit)?
I eat fruit and veggies daily.
I eat my veggies for dinner and my fruit at work, seeing I spend most of my active day at work (how sad), it’s a good snack, it’s got nutrients and I’m just not in the mood to eat fruit in the evening (unless I make a shake).
I eat at least three different fruits a day, apples, nectarines, pears, grapes, mangos… you name it. It’s boring to always eat the same. So, at the beginning of the week I go shopping for fruits. Seeing the week has five working days I buy 5 times 3 fruits. Meaning, I’ve got about 15 fruits in my fruit bowl (at the moment I’ve got apples, pears and nectarines). They’ll last for the whole week, I only have to go shopping once.
It’s weird for people who visit me in my office to see that bowl full of fruits. They’ll ask me “LOL are you selling this? Is this just for decoration? What – You are actually EATING this?!?!” When they see me cutting my fruit in the kitchen to mix it with cereal or yogurt they mostly comment. “Oh, you always eat soo healthy” is one of the most comments I get.
It gets annoying after you’ve heard it for a few times. Now I just smile and say “yes” – in the beginning I always felt that I had to justify why I’m eating fruit.

And I wonder why the hell is it so not-normal for people if someone eats a lot of fruit. I wonder if those people never eat fruit? If their wifes (yes, it’s mostly the men who eat no fruit at work at all) never buy fruit for them because fruit is bleh and too healthy and just bleh?!
Are the women who see me eat fruit frustrated because they’d rather eat a sandwich or a candy bar as a snack and know that an apple is healthier than a Snickers?

I don’t know…