
New domain, new site, new neglecting.

I’m thinking of creating themes, allthough I swore I’d always stick to skinning. But themes just seem so much more time-saving.

It’s a holiday, Ascension Thursday, and the streets of Munich are empty. It’s wonderful, sitting on the bike, riding through Munich, not needing to worry that a car-driver will hit you here, that a pedestrian will run infront of your bike there. When I’m on my bike, I hate the motorist and the walkers, when I’m in my car, I hate the bikers, when I’m a pedestrian, I hate the motorists and the bikers. Kinda moronic.

I shall do things for classes this weekend. Preparing the speech about Plasmascreens, writing things down for law, technology, calculation and map-grid-projections.

I’m lucky to have a job like babysitting. Babies don’t have symptoms of the damaged world.. yet. It’s nice to know you can amuse them just with your presence. They stare at you for half an hour and you just wonder what for thoughts are running through their little brain. Her name is Isabelle, she’s five months old, a Sagittarius, big blue eyes and an adorable smile. When you spend time with a baby, all depressions you seem to suffer from this world, fly away. Wonderful!

Theoretically I’m in the sixth semester, but practically I’m in the fourth. I worked the last year and deferred a few exams, which is making me a fourth-semestler. Not only me, some other fellow students as well. Fourth semester, meaning, people I don’t know and people who don’t know me. Most of them are youngish, have started studying right after graduating from High school. It seems some of them never learned to talk, it’s odd, scary and sad. Makes me shake my head. There’s this one girl, VERY smart, she thinks, can’t say thank you when you hold her the door open. Never says a word to us, us sixth semestlers. And the wonder happened on wednesday, she said “good bye” to me, loud and clear. I was shocked and asked myself if I believe in wonders…

4 thoughts on “Neglecting”

  1. skinning can be a major pain. because alot of the time browsers wont show your new skin. babysitting is so much fun. i love to be around kids. your right they do make things disappear they are always so happy. one guy teaches a few classes? how does he have time for it? have a good weekend and don’t get to mad at the people we dont want you running someone over hehe

  2. Heya hun just dropping by to check on you 🙂 oooh skinning i wanted to do that but it’s sooo confusing lol so i thought i’d just forget it lol! Babysitting is so much fun lol better than having to babysit spoilt brats that wont listen to you and throw everything around and make you pick it up 🙁 but eitherways hope you’re ok, take care byeee x x x x

  3. I miss babysitting. I wish I could actually do it and make decent money, but not around here. Kids are so precious! And I understand about being in classes with younger students. I’ve done 4 years of university, but I’ve only got 2 years worth of credits, so I’ve had to take classes with much younger students as well. Last year I was 22, in classes with 17 and 18 year olds. :S

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