Class and such

Man, I’m kinda proud of me 🙂 With class and exams, I said to me “I’ll start studying in June”. June begins on Thursday, ok, I won’t have time then, seeing we have an excursion with Geography until about 6pm, but I’ll start friday. Any I’m proud because I’ve typed everything from the three classes where I have exams, what I have written in class, into MS Word (I find it easier to study from a typed paper). Well, I’ve typed everything in law and technology and calculation, for the map-grid-projection there are so many drawings and so much math, that it’s impossible to convert that into “Word-language”. I’m also almost finished with my seminar paper in remote-sensing, making geometric corrections of Spot and Landsat scenes. Also my speech about Plasmadisplays is coming along quite well. I’m surprised of myself 😉 When you have to work with a new software, it’s hard at first. Same with Photoshop, I didn’t know crap when I started.. and look at me know, I can already open a file.. haha 😀

I put my Mini James into the Internet yesterday 🙁 It wasn’t easy for me, I must say. Allthough a car is only a luxury object, I still take it into my heart. The price is quite high, that’s because I put my whole savings into him (and now, seeing I have no savings anymore, I’m selling him.. great). Let’s see if people will call.

Class, photogrammetry, will start in an hour. I’m sitting here with my second cup of coffee which has way too much sugar, and enjoying my “free-time” where I can come online. Actually I should do things for class, but I’m quite lazy in the mornings 😉

6 thoughts on “Class and such”

  1. I would LOVE to go to Germany!!! My mom worked there for a few months a looong time ago. And Kaplan lived in Austria for a few months too so he can still speak a little bit of German.

    It’s a funny coincidence actually. I was on Myspace and he saw that you are in my Top8 so he asked who you were. He’s very nosey especially since he thought I would put all my friends that he KNOWs in Top 8 but he doesn’t recognize you haha. So I told him “That’s some hot bitch Tracy. She lives in Germany.” and he’s like “GERMANY!?? :O” like in that “how do you know someone that lives there” voice. hahaha

  2. LAWL wow you just made me look up half of what you typed! Eitherways good luck on your exams hun, I have mine next week and I should be revising and “geeking out” my webbie but i’m too bored with revision lol ! I hope all your exams go well and i’m too darn sure they will lol if they don’t then just re-gurgitate what you typed xD if you can’t convince them confuse them 😉

    Love youu Traceee, xoxo

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