Home sweet Home!

I spent friday to tuesday at my parent’s, 45 minutes outside of Munich. It’s lovely to be there, it’s like a vacation. You have your peace, nobody bothers you. Well, exept your parents at times, no, actually only the mom at times, but not in a bad way ๐Ÿ˜‰

I really love going home and spending time with my parents but I also love living alone. Example

๐Ÿ™‚ hehe… yeah, living alone means not to have to bring everything to the place you got it from immediatelly. Pretty much all I did was relax, and enjoy life, before I start working on October 9th again. I created a new theme – again – the last one reminded me of a little kid too much. Seeing autumn is coming up I picked those colors. No more pink and purple and turquoise for now. I re-wrote this themes style.css completely, added new things. Unfortunatelly, when I’m coding my stylesheet I tend to leave everything I’ve ever coded in CSS in the stylesheet, meaning I’ll have four different classes for four different navigations. Argh, a little unorganized, but oh well.

Oktoberfest (this site takes pretty darn long to load – for me at least) starts this saturday, September 16th already. I tried on my Dirndl, it still fits, luckily. I wish the Wiesn wouldn’t be that expensive and that crowded. Then I’d go more often, but I guess going once or twice is enough anyways, seeing the shit load of drunk people there annoy the crap out of me ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, they do.

12 thoughts on “Home sweet Home!”

  1. Living alone is wonderful! I’ve never had any complaints about it. I love my parents and siblings, but itโ€™s great just having ultimate privacy. In my opinion, thereโ€™s nothing better.
    One of our music fests is coming up soon. I have to go this year. I havenโ€™t gone in years and itโ€™s lots of fun.
    Thank you for the plug, by the way!! ๐Ÿ™‚ So sweet of you.
    Have a great week!

  2. Before I get old and die.. I’d definitely love to go to OKTOBERFEST!!

    I can’t wait to graduate from high school and finally go to my chosen University. I most definitely can’t wait to live alone. I’m the type of girl who appreciates privacy. Let alone be a loner. LOL

  3. Hey, who’s that hottie? ๐Ÿ˜›

    I can never move back with my parents. Havent been “home” in over a month, I miss my mommy ๐Ÿ™

    OKTOBERFEST WOOHOO! It kicks off October 1 here (duh), but I doubt Ill be able to get drunk because.. well, Ive given up beer =/

  4. great pics!! pretty!
    ich glaube, ich habe vergessen mich fuer Deine superliebe Geburtstagskarte zu bedanken ๐Ÿ˜ฎ habe mich seeeehhhrr darueber gefreut. Vielen lieben Dank!!!:idea:
    viel spass auf dem oktoberfest – da waere ich auch gerne mit dabei…cu

  5. lol how funny is it that our last posts have the same title??? i swear i didn’t know you named it HSH as well hahah. funny

    about your last comment (i know, long time ago but i am just back) i have seen a old mini in London hehe. My last name now is Sgadรฒ.

    talk to you soon babe. love u xxx

  6. my mom was the same exact way!! if i left one thing laying around it was a mess. i couldn’t leave my drink just sit there because she would snatch it up and dump it out and in the dishwasher it would go. i miss those things though even though i got annoyed sometimes id give anything to have her do it again.

    i love living alone its my house my rules! the freedom is the greatest thing ever. if i want to walk around all day with no clothes on i can! lol

  7. Ah don’t you just HATE being cut off? Oh well. You have a domain again! I’m glad you’ve got yourself another- I missed cuddle-bug! Everything’s looking very swish here- I’m learning to love CSS layouts as well but it’s something I’m still very much a novice at. So how did you manage to find my site? Pretty impressive really.

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