Good sites and bad sites

I signed up for a few days ago and mainly got negative votes. The positive votes I got are from “online friends” (thanks guys), and I am wondering why I have gotten the negative votes. Unfortunatelly people just vote without a review, seeing it’s no WPR.

I clicked my way through some Approved sites and most of them are either really great coded with a lot of CSS effects or flash and others are very plain.

So I’m asking myself if only sites like those get listed in those kind of galleries? I won’t even sign up for CSS-galleries, I know my site isn’t even close to those great CSS-Sites and I don’t even want to sign up, but I’m wondering if personal sites like, which I really like because they have a nice design and nice content, don’t even have a chance of getting “accepted” out of the fact that they look, let’s say more normal and not all css-y or flash-y?

I’d love it if you post the positive and negative things about my site when you’re commenting, if you’re in the mood.

I bought a new bike helmet on Friday. I dragged the boyfriend with me downtown (he has been a professional bike racer once) to help me find a good one. He’s the biggest fan of Giro Helmets, so, of course I had to get one of that company.

Like it? It wasn’t that expensive and I’m glad I got it. Everytime I drove my bike through Munich I felt like driving a car without the seatbelt on. It’s just too dangerous, most of the people don’t pay attention to others.

The weather here is still great and I’m off to the park again…

18 thoughts on “Good sites and bad sites”

  1. First of all, thanks for the plug and comment 🙂 And I agree with what you’re saying. The sites that are approved at Design Snack is either really flashy flash sites or great CSS coded sites. And like you’re saying, it doesn’t seem like personal sites have a chance at all if they’re not nearly perfect. I wish I got more comments about what I should improve, instead of just getting rejected. 😐

  2. I think your site looks great 😀 The vibrant blue on your calendar and on the comments part gave me a bit of an eye opening but I don’t mean that in a bad way. I hate rating style sites, well unless the person rating you specifically says why. That helmet is cute, I like the color of it 🙂

  3. I think CSS galleries look for ‘out of the box’ designs.

    I’m like you… I wish people at DS would take the time to comment on why they do not like the design. I’m bad at just up/downvoting too, though 😳

  4. Haha, my ex-boyfriend also was a professional bike racer once. But after a while it got kinda annoying having to watch all those races on TV with him if you’re not really interested in that kind of sport….

  5. *sigh* @ these review/voting sites. I agree with Bubs, I think they mostly look for the out-of-the-box stuff. Bleh. The “normal” sites should get more recognition. There are plenty of lovely “normal” sites out there! We don’t have to use fancy shmancy flash and CSS to make a nice design!

    Cute helmet! 💡

  6. Ya know, I’m a mediocre coder. I wish I could make my site as spiffy as yours because I honestly love and how you’ve come from your cuddle-bug days. That said, I’ve never really cared about sites like designsnack. Maybe when I have time, I’ll webstandardize my blog, but right now, I’m all just about blogging.

  7. Even though I have no clue as to what designsnack is, I think your site is ultra cute 🙂 Everything is neat, colors are great, css isn’t bad either. Plus, personal sites should be mainly about content right?

    Anyway, your helmet is real nice. I live in Hong Kong and there aren’t a lot of chances to go biking here.. a shame!

  8. Well my website did get accepted into CSS Based, so it is possible, and my website is still in the submissions part of DesignSnack, (ty for the vote btw! :D).

    Nice helmet by the way. I understand that it is safer, but girl, don’t you just love the hair blowing freely in the wind?! 😮

  9. know ive got few comments on that DS thing too… neutral and negative. i dont know, maybe i just wnted to know what other people think of my designing… but hey, your site is pretty cool. and clean! and readable and thats all that matters.

    I bet all those ‘awardees’ are major in graphics desgining and web developing etc. so wateves.

    and anyWaayzz, like the new Giro helmet, it looks fancy anf expensive. tho i dont hve any idea about bike riding.

    ps. LMAO, nice quote on your footer btw. =) I love George O. I love his 1984 novel

  10. Hey! thanks for the comment.
    and i was wondering how can i fix the background problem? if you know how. i’m using continuous background. so i can see why it cut off.
    and if you don’t mind, whats your screen resolution?

    and i like your bike helment. it looks good.

  11. You have a D+ on that site?! How is that possible…you have such a great website, and as far as I’m concerned you have great skills when it comes to design and code. I never sign up for sites like that, or review sites, or whatever, because well mostly I’m a wimp when it comes to criticism but also because what matters most to me is that *I’m* happy with my website ❗

  12. I have always thought your layouts where great. Absolutley better then mine ever will be. BTW I am a quiet stalker. ➡

    I think review/vote sites should explain clearly what sites they take. They don’t always. When I first started with my own site I thought they where places to get advice how to improve, but all I got was ‘Your site sucks!’. I gave up on those sites unless I know ppl there.

  13. Now, I come to this site on a rare basis (I don’t know why–I should actually visit a little more often), and every time I come here, I find that your layouts are really cute. Especially this one. I never even heard of designsnack until now, and I did look through it, and you’re absolutely right–they’re looking for over-the-top websites. It really shouldn’t be that way. I know a lot of sites that have great layouts and CSS, and they’re just…well…normal. Oh well. It’s all gravy. At least you know that there are people who enjoy your site. And this is exactly why I stay away from review sites, lol.

    In other news, that helmet looks really cute.

  14. I like this design. And I will vote + for you. 🙂 I can’t design for shit. So it’s nice to see people come up with new and neat things for their sites.

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