Too much Information

The online world, internet, is a great place. You find a lot of information you are interested in (or not) but you also find information you might not want to read.
There are so many people online daily, so many people blogging, so, of course there is one person (or two, or three…) who was falsly diagnosed with a fibroadenoma. It just looked like a fibroadenoma, but it was cancer. And now, after reading her story, I have that funny feeling in my belly again.

Ultrasound #1 by the gynecologist: Dec. 21st 2012 – Diagnosis: Fibroadenoma – Size: 5mm x 3mm
Ultrasound #2 by the radiologist: Jan. 17th 2013 – Diagnosis: Fibroadenoma – Size: 5mm x 3mm
Ultrasound #3 by the gynecologist: Apr. 12th 2013
Ultrasound #4 by the radiologist: Aug. 22nd 2013

I don’t need a biopsy, I can have one if I want it though, for inner peace. After thinking about it a few days (and reading online what the side-effects can be) I decided not to get a biopsy. But now I’m not sure. Now I’m scared again. The only thing that keeps me a bit calm is that the tumor didn’t grow in a month. That it’s still 5x3mm and that, normally, cancerous tumors grow quite fast in such young age.

I’m still taking the nuvaring, I have one left. I will stop taking it then. I don’t want any hormones going into my body, no matter how.

I think I’m still staying with “no biopsy” and wait until my Ultrasound #3. I’m not sure if I should make that appointment for March or April.

21 Days Happiness Challenge – Day 2

Give Gold Stars

21-DayChallenge-BlogPhotoToday’s resolution suggests that you “Give gold stars.” If you’re like me, you may think a lot about wanting gold stars, but in a happy relationship, giving gold stars turns out to be very important, too.

If you tried this resolution, did it boost your feelings of gratitude and tenderness?

Did it make a difference to your happiness?

I do say nice things to the boyfriend when he helps me clean or make dinner. I tell him he did a good job, and I really mean it. It means a lot to me when he helps, when we do things together in our apartment. It’s not a girls job to clean and cook and wash the laundry (if she also works 40+ hours a week).
And seeing that I really appreciate when the Lover helps, I tell him 🙂

Fibroadenoma Part two

I just got back from the radiologist.

She made another sonography of my boobies and good news – the tumor in the left breast didn’t grow! Still the same size, still the same sharp edges.
She said it looks like a good tumor, a fibroadenoma. To be 100% sure I could have a biopsy – she said I should sleep over it and think about it, which I will do. It’s not necessary in her opinion. My next appointment with her is in six months (August – they’re full until then!) and I’ll make another appointment in 2-3 months with my gynecologist. The Fibroadenoma needs to be monitored.
I was soooo nervous today. My biggest concern was that the tumor changed – that it grew, that the edges aren’t so sharp anymore. I could hardly look at the screen when she was doing the sonography and I am so relieved now. I’m so happy I can enjoy my birthday, which is in two days. Can’t wait to celebrate, seeing my Christmas was full of tears (I got the diagnosis on dec. 21st and was so worried).

I named my tumor Tammy. Tammy the Tumor. Now I will enjoy my yoga class 🙂

21 Day Happiness Challenge – Day 1

Kiss in the Morning, Kiss at Night
21-DayChallenge-BlogPhotoToday’s resolution suggests that you “Kiss in the morning, kiss at night.” If kissing isn’t appropriate in your situation, you might substitute a hug, or make other efforts to show a bit more physical affection than you might otherwise do.

How does this resolution sound to you? If you tried it, did it come naturally, or did it feel forced?
Did it make a difference to your happiness?

This is something the Boyfriend and I do, or try to do, on a daily basis anyway. Most of the times it comes naturally, sometimes it feels forced, for example when I’m very very tired at night and the he comes close with his kiss-mouth and wants a smooch. But, it makes me happy when I can make my boyfriend happy 🙂