Hello August, almost September

Hello summer, well, rainy summer.
My baby boy is 16 months old already, amazing. Will be 17 in just a few days.

The end of May we spent a long weekend in Austria. The weather was great and we could do a lot of things outside, like go to a couple of lakes and visit the deer park. We went out for dinner in the evening and baby-Q loved it – he ate everything!

In June we went to a wedding which pretty much took place one whole weekend. Lots of good food but also pretty exhausting. We were all quite tired on Sunday, Q from all the playing with his Oma and Opa and we from all the “partying”.

June 30th was the last day I breastfed. I wanted to feed Q during the night but when he saw/smelled my boobie he just screamed. Three times that night. I tried once more the next night, the same scenario, so… that was it. 15 months of breastfeeding. I would have done it longer but I’m also happy he decided it’s time to end it. The nights got a lot better!

Life is busy with work and a little toddler, I try to go to the gym twice a week and go jogging every now and again as well. At the moment baby-Q has vacation, the child-care is closed for three weeks so my parents and my parents-in-law take care of him so that we can work. Quinn enjoys it lots getting spoiled and all.

2 thoughts on “Hello August, almost September”

  1. My cousin is part of a natural mommy network of peeps in our area, and one of the things I’ve learned about breastfeeding is that kids wean themselves when the time is right. Maybe he knew the time was right for him. ?

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