Wonderful Public Holiday

Today is a public holiday here which means no work *yay* 🙂
After the Boyfriend and I slept in we sat on the couch, surfed and had coffee. Then we cleaned the apartment (good teamwork) and after that we went biking with a stop at a Biergarten to have beer and Obatzter.
It was a lovely tour, the weather was great, not too warm and not too cold.

We got home at around 4pm, had a cup of coffee again on the balcony and at around 6pm I went for a short run of 5km.
I stretched and showered after, we had a lovely dinner and now we’re watching a chick-movie – “the proposal” with Sandra Bullock while it’s getting darker and darker outside seeing a big storm is coming.

Ah how I love awesome days like this 🙂

Run #3 – 7,5km & new Running Shoes

new Lunarglide 5 I got my new running shoes delivered by UPS on Friday afternoon, right when I came back from run #2.
I was jogging towards my home, came out of the woods and saw the big brown truck in my street. I then saw the UPS driver with a package before the house and squealed with glee.
I speeded up, right towards him and called out my last name. He said “yes” and I squealed with glee once more. I love coincidences like this – perfect timing! (A lot of sentences starting with “I” in this passage)

I grabbed the package, ran upstairs to our apartment and unpacked my new running shoes. So nice and pink and cheaper than all the others of the Lunarglide 5 series.

I had to try them the next day so I ran my first 7,5km
pace The weather was lovely, the forest was filled with life – I met more people (and dogs) yesterday than any other time. Normally I never meet anybody.

I have planned a 10km round which I plan to run maybe in two to four weeks. My big goal – to run 10km wihout falling over half dead. And that goal is so close. I don’t care about the time, I’m not a runner, I run about 3-5 times a YEAR. I ran 3 times a week just last week because this year I want to improve my running. And – running in the forest over roots, through gravel and over grass with birds singing is sooo relaxing.

So here’s my 10km plan
I hope I’ll remember it, all the zig-zags… (plan made with www.komoot.de)

March Weather

Amazing, over 20°C in March – that has never happened before. It’s Saturday today, I enjoyed the day yesterday with my bike and a stop at the Biergarten and Ice Cream Parlor and now I’m sitting on the couch reading and waiting for the rain (and snow?!?!) to come back again. Can’t wait till Spring is officially here.

Books read in February 2014

I’ve read seven books in February. Lucky there was only one book I didn’t really like.
Books read in February
I never read Nora Robers before but I can imagine she’s a total romantic-writing author. I already have a couple more books written by her on my wishlist. At the moment I’m reading “Can you keep a secret” by Sophie Kinsella. I wonder if I like it better than “The wedding girl” by her as Madeleine Wickham, which I thought was quite terrible.

Cross-Country Skiing in South Tyrol

The lover, a friend and me spent a lovely weekend in South Tryol. The weather was great (see photos below) and we also still had some good snow. The first day we completed 22.17 km.
On the second day we went 21km, unfortunately my Garmin wasn’t loaded so it stopped recording pretty soon 🙁
Luckily the Lover also uses a Garmin 🙂

And wow – the pain I have in my legs! I can hardly lift my right leg. Good excercise for the triceps and butt as well. Yumm!

IMG_2435Drei Zinnen view from the Ski-Tracks

IMG_2448Ski-Tracks – so idyllic

IMG_2418Our great breakfast, made by the apartment hosts

IMG_2426Cross-Country Skiing and Skating

IMG_2444A Vegetarian’s dream!

IMG_2467Another photo of the Drei Zinnen

Books read in January 2014

Above are the books I read in January. I had time – I read a lot. I registered at goodreads and found a lot of books I’d love to read.

I never thought I’d enjoy reading so much, but, I guess it all depends on the book genre. I used to read those hard to read books about life or biography and now I read romance (or chick-lit how I just found out those books are called) and thrillers.

I love going into book stores and just look around for half an hour and leave with two or three books. It’s so relaxing!