New Year’s Eve

Our Christmas Tree So here’s the question, the question which occurs almost every year: What to do for New Year’s Eve?

Well, I already know. I’m still sick.
Brief history: I’ve had a sore throat the last three weeks. Not the typical sore throat – it was more the feeling that someone was choking me. I thought “Neh, I don’t need to go to the doctor because of that”. Then, one week ago and two days before Christmas, it got worse. I was sick. Of course every doctor was on holiday, so I got an appointment for today at the otorhinolaryngologist. I have a laryngo-pharyngeal and bronchi inflammation and everything is kinda swollen. My lymphs are big – huge! I’m on medication now and I’m happy and really really REALLY hope the infection will go away soon!

So, unfortunately my Christmas wasn’t as great as usual. I’ve been sick for a week now (well, all in all about three weeks), today is the first day it’s a bit better. The thing that worries me is my thesis, of course. I have such a strong headache when I’m sick that it’s impossible to write and concentrate and work on my thesis. But I plan on having it done by the end of the month!! Man, I’ve never been sick so much like in the last 10 months, whilst completing my thesis. I’m sooo sooo sooo happy when it’s done.

Oh, well, New Year’s the Lover is coming over to my place, we’re going to have a nice and lovely dinner and just stay home. For the first time EVER. My mom gave me a little bottle of champaign and we’ll toast on the balcony.

Thanks for the lovely Christmas wishes y’all! And thanks to Sarah Ashley, Jessica, Sarah, Karin, Mendifae, Ori, Anna, Hanna, Hev, Heather, Sara, Ashley, Miranda and Bubs for the sweet Christmas Cards you sent HUG

What are you going to do New Year’s Eve?

Merry Christmas!

I’m just going to blog about it now and wish it to you now as well.


Cute video, eh? Disney ♥
On Wedenesday I’m driving to my parents to celebrate Christmas Eve with my family. On Thursday I’ll hop on the train and drive to Stuttgart to the Lover’s parents. On Friday evening we’ll leave back to Munich to continue writing on the thesis (Lover is writing as well). It’s a short Christmas and I’m sad about that, but it’ll be nice.

I’m a little sick again – I can’t wait to, at some time, maybe get a few days off. I need a vacation – bad! This thesis is sucking me out :cheerup:

Have a good one!